Tuesday, March 10, 2009

hari ini puitis bener!

dear diary,,

cieee boong deng!

CREATIVE STUDIES!! so today i went to the oh so wonderful creative studies class. the topic for today was somehow... interesting.

so the first in class assignment was creating an image that shows "how a merge gone wrong" or something like that. but the image has to be a combination of 2 animals, and the animals that we can use are limited.

i'll show you what i've done in the next post.

the second in class assignment was to create a writings. the lecturer shows an image and a word, and based on that image, we have to find a correlation between the image and the word.
kinda confusing huh?

so it's like this, first they show you the image of a chili, then the word is "love"

so then we have to make a sentence/phrase out of this.

this is what i came out with,

being in LOVE is like eating CHILI
you will burn yourself,
but you will never regret even one moment of it

get what i mean?

later, they showed this image of a sports car and the word was "life"

staying alive is like having a sports car
it's unbelievably expensive
but it's worth it

this one is kinda lame though.


Anonymous said...

yang car ama life gw bisa kong!

kalo car bisa maju mundur... kalo life maju mlulu!

Anonymous said...

kalo yang chili ma love

chili bikin makan lu nafsu makan, gitu juga ma cinta, bikin lu semangat hidup

acilalala said...

gahahah yg car bole juga kong bagus2 hiihi

Dhikong said...

car sama life juga bisa begini

untuk nyampe tujuan, lo mesti tau harus ngarahin kemana
